026- Downy Woodpecker

Smallest North American woodpecker with a straight, chisel-like bill, blocky head, big shoulders and straight back posture. (5-7 inches long) Size of your hand (less than 1 oz weight) Checkered black and white wings. Male has a small red patch on the back of the head. Has black outer feathers along the sides of the tail feathers.

Usually in open woodlands, especially in deciduous trees and in urban areas with trees. Especially near water. Range from Canada down to the Southern U.S. except the tundra and deserts.

Nest in dead trees or dead part of living trees. Usually in limbs around 7 in. in diameter, placing the entrance on the underside. Excavating the nest takes about 1-3 weeks. Cavities are 6-12 in. deep.the cavity is lined only with wood chips.

Moves quickly around tree limbs and trucks looking for food. Moves horizontally and downwards more readily than most woodpeckers. During flight they alternate quick wing bests with folding the wings against the body.

Clutch is 3-8 eggs, incubated for 12 days, Nestling for 18-21 days Young leave the nest about 20-25 days after hatching.

Birds of prey, rats, domestic cats.

Eat mainly insects. Quarter of the diet is plant material: seeds, grains, nuts, berries.

Fun Fact
Woodpeckers don’t sing songs. The drumming you hear has nothing to do with feeding habits. They communicate with body signals and short sounds.